I am a programming enthusiast currently pursuing Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering
from Guru Nank Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab.I am passionate about building
excellent software that improves the lives of people.
Skills I have acquired during my degree and self-learned
are listed below.
The URL_Shortener convert the url submitted by user into string of 6 characters that includes [a-z,0-9,A-Z]. This is then combined with the url i.e. And the resultant url when used redirects user to the original url.
Github Link Live DemoNumber plate detection separation and reading using python opencv and Optical Character Recognition using pytesseract module.
Virtual Assistant is made using WolframAlpha and Wikipedia. Here I have used tkinter for GUI. The Virtual Assistant is responsive to the keyboard buttons. Also it has Text to Speech and Text to Speech recognition
Color Game is based on selecting color according to the displayed rgb values. It has two modes EASY and HARD modes with good styling combinations. Color are shown randomly. This project help me to find good color combination knowledge for my various projects. It is made using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Github Link Live DemoA movie recommender system based on Movie Lens data set using pandas and python. Recommends movie based on rating of a test user.
Github LinkThis manages the employee data using file base system. Here the salary paid and pending are also maintained.
    In case of any queries or suggestions mail us at     -    khanna.piyush30@gmail.com